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When I forget my homework I put it here.

10-20-04                                                                                  _______

Level 8 Questions and Answers                                                   A.H.I.S.


Q) Why is there a new city?

A) The Klwd-Farrisen trade improved enough to make a new city.

Q) Why do they want an increase of Klwd-Farrisen?

A) They want it for even better economy.

Q) Why are there pots with wheat designs on them?

A) They probably found a good place to harvest wheat.

Q) Why are there Klwd weapons?

A) The Farrisen and the Klwd became very close economically and as allies.

Q) Why are there pots with wheat designs on them?

A) They had a sudden occurrence of wheat farming.

Q) Why are there larger roads to the mountains?

A) They wanted an easier way to move things.

Q) Where were the new roads going?

A) A wheat field was probably at one of the ends.

Q) Why do they have looms?

A) To make clothing for the Klwd

Q) Why did they want to go west?

A) To be further from the coast that faces the mainland.

Q) Why are they sacrificing?

A) They felt horrible about their greed and ignorance

Q) What was the tar for?

A) It was used to make roads to the west.

Q) What was the rope for?

A) They used it to tie boats to the dock.

Please dont copy my work!

Jolly-Ware * Basement * WA * USA * 98226

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