Hey! You probably came to this part of my site because you are scrolling through the navigation bar. Well I am going
to type some thoughts up here that you may consider comical or insulting. So stay a while and laugh while being offended.
Why do they put brail on the ATM buttons? They vary by what the screen says. They are completley useless, but we
have to be so politicaly correct and make it humiliating for the blind people. For example next time you are at an ATM, press
the spanish button. I think that the keys are labled 1,2,3,4 or A,B,C,D in brail. What good is it to know the number of the
buttons? even if you memorized what keys to press they switch the order of withdraw/deposit etc.
Have you ever noticed the handycaped signs at an ice skating rink? The mental picture of a man on crutches sliding
around on a hard bed of slippery ice says it all. Why do we keep those signs?
Most people are afraid of spiders. Think like a spider: There is a HUGE thing that is about 500 times bigger than
me yelling and jumping around. Think like a human: If there were 500 of these I could have a real fight, might as well scream
my head off instead of squishing it.
I found out why manholes (the kind on roads) are round. You can't fit a circle inside of itself. The same is not
true for any other shape. Well, exept the Hexadexamultisuperduperlotsasidesagon, but we aren't going there.
Have you ever noticed how vauge computer error messages are? An error has occured. ERROR file may be corupted.
ERROR of type 1959D2M. Or how much computers think you make mistakes: Are you sure you want to shut down you computer?
Do you want to save before quitting? Are you sure you don't want to save? You are now entering a site that requires input
of information, do you wish to continue?
How many analogys can you think of for .com or www?
Something fun:
make a puzzle like this:
EAGO is the Executives Association of Greater Orlando